Open Science | Data Science | Systems Biology | Lupus Researcher
Hi! I’m Ann and this is my website. I have a Ph.D. in Genome Science and Technology and a Master’s in Statistics from the University of Tennessee-Knoxville. Currently, I am a postdoctoral associate at the Jackson Laboratory working in Dr. Gregory Carter’s laboratory. I am wet and dry systems biologist that investigates systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE, lupus) using multiple -omics, multiple tissues, and potential therapeutics to tease out the molecular underpinnings that contribute to SLE progression.
Additionally, I am a proponent of open science and developing novel ways of disseminating research that is transparent and reproducible while simultaneously bridging the gap between traditional and computational biologists.
Outside of research I want to empower non-computational biologists to obtain the computational skills necessary to perform preliminary analyses on their own data. I do this through teaching and have also become a software carpentry instructor.
When I’m not thinking about science I am often riding my bike on the beautiful park loop in Acadia National Park, going for hikes, working out, or generally enjoying the amazing island I live on.
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